SAFE2 STEMCHOICE® Freezing Bag 25mL

25mL Freezing bags are also available in a special curvy version.
STEMCHOICE® is a product line of SAFE2 Freezing Bags designed for storage and preservation of stem cells and other biological materials in liquid nitrogen, vapor phase or low temperature storage.
For some applications, like cord blood, mesenchymal stem cells, growth factors etc. low volume bags are required.

The SAFE2 bag is indicated for freezing blood components. Carefully read Instructions for use before using this product. Sterile, single use only, made in Italy.

Standard line

This product line includes standard flat and pre-shaped bags. The standard bags are available as single compartment (SH-25B MONO) and double compartment 20+5ml (SH-25B).

Product use

New Special Product Line

Thanks to a special configuration, the 25ml pre-shaped bags allow a better distribution of the sample ensuring a more homogeneous freezing.

Product use

SAFE2 Overwraps

ADVATIS® has developed a special product line for the cryopreservation of low volumes samples, from 3 to 25 ml.

SAFE2 Tissuechoice® FREEZING BAG

ADVATIS® has developed a special product line for the cryopreservation of different biological tissues...

SAFE2 STEMCHOICE® Freezing Bag 25mL

ADVATIS® has developed a special product line for the cryopreservation of low volumes samples, from 3 to 25 ml.
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